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Eco Friendly Tips

Saving the Planet While Saving Money

Living an eco-friendly lifestyle is not only the responsible thing to do in order to maintain our planet, but it could also save you money. Living eco-friendly doesn’t mean you have to live like you’re off the grid, it just means being cognizant of the natural resources that we should be conserving. By doing so, not only are you contributing to water and energy conservation resources, but you are keeping more money in your pocket.  Luckily, living a greener lifestyle doesn’t have to be complicated. Follow these easy eco friendly tips to start making changes today!

How to Make Some Easy Changes

Here are some easy changes that you can make in order to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle:

  1. Unplug unused appliances such as your phone charger, coffee maker, toaster, etc. when not in use. This could potentially save you more than $100 in energy costs over the year.
  2. Lower your water bill by setting up a rain barrel for outdoor gardening or lawn watering use.
  3. Keep an eye out for any leaky pipes, drains or toilets. The quickest way to tell if you have a leak in your home is if you see an increase in your water bill.
  4. Maintain your thermostat at a comfortable level when you’re home, but turn it up if you leave.
  5. Switch to LED light bulbs which are not only the more environmentally friendly choice, but they will last much longer than traditional light bulbs.
eco friendly tips Tampa Bay

Eco Friendly Tips While Doing a Home Clean-Out

When doing a home clean-out, it’s important to keep the environment in mind. For example, before tossing some lightly used furniture or clothes, you may want to consider donating them to a local charitable organization. If you have hazardous materials to dispose of, consider taking them to the local landfill for proper disposal before tossing them in the trash. By doing so, you can avoid these harmful materials from leaking into the ground at the landfill or contaminating water supplies.

We all share a responsibility to keep the planet clean and habitable for the generations to come. If you can make even the smallest changes in your everyday life by following these eco friendly tips, you are moving in the right direction and contributing your part to the cause. For the items that can’t be recycled or donated, call us at 727-475-1080 about a dumpster rental. As always, we guarantee next-day service from a professional and reliable staff.