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Where Does Your Clearwater Trash Go

Keeping our homes, workplaces, schools, and the environment clean is essential. Proper waste management is imperative to ensure the highest levels of sanitation, and that is why we have trash cans, dumpsters, and garbage collection trucks to pick your trash. But where does your Clearwater trash go? We produce tons of waste in the country— a whopping 4.9lbs per person daily. Without a proper and eco-friendly channel for such heaps of garbage, we could pollute the water, land, and air. Let’s learn all the possible options for your trash.

Where does your Clearwater trash go when you throw it away?

From residential to commercial and industrial waste, it is crucial to have eco-friendly and effective waste management. Solid waste like food scraps, metals, papers, cardboard, plastics, wood, concrete, shingles, and yard waste have an outlet. Below are the possible solutions for your Clearwater trash.


Recycling is one of the most eco-friendly waste disposal options. This disposal option takes the waste and diverts it into valuable raw materials to make new products. Your single-use plastics, paper, metals, aluminum, glass, and newspapers are excellent recyclable trash.

Recycling companies can collect these waste materials through curbside recycling, take-back programs, or drop-off centers. Once you take your trash to the collection center, it will go through sorting, cleaning, and processing. The recyclers will send the raw materials to the market for manufacturing companies to buy.

Recycling offers economic and environmental benefits—it prevents exploitation of natural resources and reduces pollution.

Waste to energy

Waste-to-energy or incineration is another disposal pathway for residential and commercial waste. This disposal option utilizes solid waste materials with high energy content to produce electricity. Technically, the trash goes through high combustion in an oxygenated incinerator to produce heat. The hot gases released during combustion are cooled to produce steam that powers the electrical generators.

The waste-to-energy process produces toxic gasses, which is why this process ranks as the least preferred disposal option by the Environment Protection Agency. Notably, modern incinerators use cutting-edge tech to filter and ensure only clean gases get to the atmosphere. The combustion residue is taken to the landfill as its final destination.

where does your clearwater trash go


Composting is an eco-friendly process of recycling organic waste to produce organic manure. The method uses fungi, bacteria, and critters to break down solid waste into compost. The by-product of this waste disposal process can be used in the garden to grow fresh food. One advantage of composting is that it reduces the amount of compostable waste sent to the landfills, lowering methane gas emissions. It also eliminates the need for incinerators and can boost the economy through job creation and conserving natural resources.

Additionally, composting is an easy and cost-effective way to generate organic manure—goodbye synthetic fertilizer— for your kitchen garden. This waste disposal option comes second as the most preferred in the EPA hierarchy. Don’t throw away those food scraps! You can collect them, designate a place to compost them, and use them to enrich your soil. If you don’t have a compost, you can send the food scraps and other green waste like grass clippings to a composting facility.


You’ve probably heard about landfills, and landfilling is a waste disposal process that handles non-recyclable material. The site is well designed and engineered to facilitate the decomposition of municipal solid waste. Although it might not be one of the most eco-friendly, modern landfills can convert methane gas into an energy source. If your trash can’t be recycled, composted, incinerated, or reused, it’ll probably end in one of the Municipal Solid Waste Landfills. There are designated hazardous waste landfills to dispose of toxic waste material.

At Bin There Dump That Tampa Bay, we strive to eliminate residential or C&D waste in an eco-friendly fashion. Give us a call, and we’ll help you answer the question to where does your Clearwater trash go.